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10 Most Charitable Celebrities Who Have Changed People’s Lives

10 Most Charitable Celebrities Who Have Changed People’s Lives

Hollywood’s charitable celebrities have fame and money that oftentimes come with the price of public scrutiny. The lavish lives of charitable celebrities seem like a bed of roses to us. Their short appearances can make them heaps of money that an average person couldn’t achieve in his entire lifetime. Our beloved celebrities have been blessed with every luxury imaginable to make life easier. But what we don’t realize is that this money is not quick cash.

Celebrities dedicate their time to stay fit and sacrifice their privacies to maintain their fame. Yet, many of our favorite stars give back to society which is often judgemental and unforgiving of the smallest of their human mistakes.

We forget that celebrities are also only humans who are doing the best in their capacity for society’s good. Because of the generosity and kindness of charitable celebrities, the world is a better place to live in. Luckily, charitable celebrities like Nicki Minaj, John Legend, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, etc., are using their massive fortunes for deserving causes. Like us, charitable celebrities are also mortals who can fall short to meet people’s expectations and could stumble from the right path at certain weak moments. However, they are making an effort to bring happiness into the lives of the less privileged.

Here is the list of the 10 most charitable celebrities in Hollywood:

Below we will discuss the top ten charitable celebrities from Hollywood. Read onwards! 

1. Taylor Swift Charity

Taylor Swift Charity

Taylor Swift Charity

The singer of “I Knew You Were Trouble,” Taylor Swift, has earned stardom and riches at a very young age. Even though she is just 31 years of age, Taylor Swift has numerous accolades for her solo albums and songwriting. She is everything that could fit into the definition of perfection. She is also one of the most philanthropic celebrities of our time. Taylor Swift donates millions of dollars every year for different worthy causes across the world.

As per Borgen Magazine, Swift spends over $1000,000 annually on her needy family members and fans. She participates in benefit events and concerts to raise money for charities. Through her 2011 Speak Now Help Now concert, Taylor raised 1750,000$, which she passed on to tornado victims. Furthermore, after her hit song “Wildest Dreams,” which features many animals like lions and giraffes from African Savannah. Taylor donated all the proceeds earned from this song’s video to the African Parks Foundation of America, working for animals’ welfare.

Taylor’s charitable acts have no limits when it comes to children. She is associated with many philanthropic organizations which work for children. She is an active participant of the Make A Wish Foundation; she visits sick children at hospitals and advocates education for all. Taylor also opened up the Taylor Swift Education Foundation for underprivileged kids’ educational facilities.

2. Oprah Winfrey Charity

Oprah Winfrey Charity

Oprah Winfrey Charity

Oprah Winfrey stands high in the list of Hollywood’s top 10 most charitable celebrities. Oprah had a tough childhood and has been a victim of sexual abuse. You can take her as a role model who directed all her life’s negativities to create a positive future. She has given back more to the world, which has given her way less than what she deserved. Oprah used her influence and power status to change the lives of people for the better. She is the queen of the celebrity philanthropic tribe. Oprah supports countless charitable foundations, including ALS Association, Red Cross, World Food Programme, Worldwide Orphans Foundation, and Peace Over Violence.

Besides taking part in famous celebrity charities, Oprah fights for women’s rights on international and national platforms. Being a victim of rape herself, she empathizes with sufferers of domestic violence and raises her voice to help them. She smartly used the medium of her former talk show, which had millions of viewers to solve people’s problems.

It is no surprise that Oprah stepped up and rolled her sleeves up during the outbreak of the recent pandemic Covid-19. She donated 12$ million to the Covid relief fund to help low-income families living in the American cities that are dear to her heart. She expressed, ”I have lived in these cities, and it is my turn to take off the burden from the families who belong to those areas I once called my home.

Oprah Winfrey was the most generous celebrity during the abrupt Covid-19 outbreak. Other generous celebs during Covid-19 were Blake Lively, Ryan Raynolds, Dolly Parton, Rihanna, Shawn Mendes, Octavia Spencer, Sean Penn, Madonna, Cardi B, and Lionel Messi. Read Oprah Winfrey quotes to get inspired.

3. Ellen Degeneres Charity

Ellen Degeneres charity

Ellen Degeneres charity

What would you expect from a woman whose name has a generous word in it? The funny women, favorite talk show host, and a true embodiment of feminism, Degenrous, support a dozen famous charities. Ellen has received many awards for her charitable works. She regularly donates and raises money for well-known charities such as Artist Against Racism, Declare Yourself, Everyone Matters, Peace First, Make it Right, Red Cross, and Project, among many others.

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Ellen is one of the celebrities who do charity work for humans and animals alike. Recently, Ellen extended her hand to help fund an animal hospital that treats abused animals. She even requested her talk show audiences to donate money to the same hospital that treats abused animals—the hospital called The Gentle Barn.

Ellen is also considered the most generous celebrity in the times the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the footsteps of Oprah, Degeneres donated 1$ million to the Covid Relief fund. Her donations went to the All In Challenge Initiative. Apart from that, Ellen is known for her extravagant giveaways in her shows. Even Ellen’s infamous oscar selfie had also been taken for a charitable cause. The Oscar selfie raised a whooping amount of 3$million, given to St. Jude Hospital and the Humans Society.

4. Kylie Jenner Charity

Kylie Jenner Charity

Kylie Jenner Charity

The ultimate diva and youth icon, Kylie Jenner, has a gigantic heart. She ranks at a high position in the list of most charitable celebrities in the world. Kylie also has the title of youngest self-made celebrity in America to her name as per Forbes list. The fans of this beauty mogul and reality star would be surprised to learn that she donates a large chunk of her hard-earned money to charities.

Kylie Jenner’s net worth is 900$ million, making her a billionaire at the age of 23. The owner of a multi-million cosmetics company, Jenner, sure knows how to pay back. She never shies away if her friends, family, and fans need her. Recently, she set up a GoFundMe campaign to cover her friend’s medical expenses worth 60,000$. Additionally, Kylie sponsors Smile Train charity’s costs that support medical treatment of children born with clefts.

Kylie donated 100$ million in March for the Australian Wildfire Prevention initiative. Furthermore, on the occasion of her 22nd birthday, Jenner gave a charity of 750,000$ to Nest of Love charity working for the cause of women’s empowerment. Nest of Love supports women who belong to low-income backgrounds. Her philanthropic generosity does not end here. Jenner stretched her helping hands to cover expenses of protective kits needed in hospitals at the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak.

5. Kim Kardashian Charity

Kim Kardashian Charity

Kim Kardashian Charity

Kim Kardashian is undoubtedly the most favorite Kardashian. She is known for her voluptuous figure, bold persona, and, yes, her plump pout. Her life often revolves around controversies, because of which she receives significant backlash from fans and media. Yet, the “It Girl” of Hollywood has a golden heart. Kim is not any less charitable than her half-sister Kylie Jenner.

Countless times we see Kim using her Instagram influence to encourage her fans and fellow celebrities to participate in charity auctions. Kim actively donates her expensive clothes and possessions to raise money. She keenly supports celebrity foundations such as Russel Simmon’s Diamond Empowerment Fund that collects money for poor African children’s education. She went to Africa and blogged about her trip, and raised millions of dollars in the process.

Ever since Kim has reached celebrity status, she has put tireless efforts and affluence to good use. She raises awareness for many important social causes that other celebrities miss to notice. Kim is extremely sensitive and concerned for the rights of prisoners and homeless people. She actively participated in a 90 days campaign for the freedom of 17 prisoners who were released due to her efforts. Kim donated 1$ million to the Armenia Fund for war-stricken Armenian and Artsakh families. Kim was also one of the first celebrities who came forward for Covid relief. She donated 20% proceeds of her Skims Cotton Collection to Baby2Baby’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Program. Moreover, Kim is a regular financial contributor to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Dream Foundation, and Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

6. Jackie Chan Charity

Jackie Chan Charity

Jackie Chan Charity

Jackie Chan’s dedication to promoting the well-being of society is both admirable and impressive. His acting career is an example that a commoner has the ability to create a new movie genre single-handedly without the backup of riches. Yes, you heard it right, the movie genre, action-comedy, is the invention of our own Chan. Jackie’s fame crossed borders and made him the most memorable and loved star of our generation. However, Jackie’s list of good works is longer than the Wall of China.

Jackie is the founder of the world’s most generous celebrity foundations named after him. The Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation aids medical expenses, education costs, scholarship sponsorship, and emergency support during disasters and illnesses to Hong Kong. Jackie Chan, a true patriot at heart, never fails to show and prove love for his country and people. His charitable foundation has opened dozens of schools, assisted poor Chinese families in building their futures, and reached out to people who needed clothes and food.

Chan’s charitable work is impossible to count in figures. His notable donations include 730,000 $ for Haiti earthquake victims, 5.2$ million for Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution, 29 4 million for drought relief to the Chinese government. Undoubtedly, Jackie’s huge followership across the world is his achievement through work, sweat, and money.

7. Shahrukh Khan Charity

Shahrukh Khan Charity

Shahrukh Khan Charity

Famously known as the King Khan of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan has ruled over the silver screen of the Indian film industry for almost three decades. Khan belonged to a middle-class family. His father died when he was very young, and his mother also died soon after his college graduation. Grief-stricken Shahrukh then moved to Bombay from Delhi to pursue his dream of acting without a godfather’s support. It did not take Shahrukh to build a mansion in Mumbai city’s heart and achieve success in highly competitive Bollywood. Nevertheless, Shahrukh might have touched the heights, but he never forgets his roots. Khan paid back the society in two folds.

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In March 2020, Khan donated 25,000 PEE kits to the Indian Government for Covid prevention and protection SOPs in hospitals. Other than that, Khan has continuous involvement with several charities. He does charitable work for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Providers, Ek Saath, Roti Foundation, and Meer Foundation that provides a stipend to acid attack survivors.

8. George Clooney Charity

George Clooney Charity

George Clooney Charity

The heartthrob of millions of women across continents, Mr. Clooney’s on-screen charisma is undeniably significant. George Clooney does not have a gym-built body or towering height to add to his personality traits. Yet this average-looking man won over audiences’ praise with his stellar acting and endearing smile.

George is one of those Hollywood celebrities who are famous for their immense generosity. The Ocean’s 11 star is the founder of a celebrity foundation named Not On Our Watch that works against war crimes and supports the government’s oppressed individuals. The Clooney Foundation for Justice’s TrialWatch initiative advocates for convicts’ rights and fights for the providence of independent and impartial court trials.

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Furthermore, Clooney contributes enormous amounts to charitable foundations raising awareness for various critical social causes. He and his wife donated 1$ million to the Southern Poverty Law Center to relieve domestic violence victims in 2017. In 2020, Clooney donated 300,00$ to various Lebanese charities for relief after the Beirut explosion.

9. Tyler Perry Charity

Tyler perry charity

Tyler perry charity

If luck has been kind to anyone in Hollywood, then it’s Tyler Perry. Perry is a successful director, actor, producer, and screenwriter all in one with a net worth of 130$ million. He owns the title of highest-paid man in Hollywood, same as Will Smith as per Forbes 2010 ranking. Throughout his career, Perry has achieved many accolades for his work as an actor, director, and writer. His show “Tyler Perry’s House of Payne” ran for eight consecutive seasons and made 200$US million. But ever since Tyler has directed his focus on philanthropic work, he spends most of his time helping people. Although, media houses define Perry as a humble person who never boasts about his charitable works publicly. Still, Tyler understands the importance of raising crucial issues in mainstream channels with his influential voice.

Tyler’s popular charity, named “Water,” is one of the most famous celebrity foundations that works to bring clean and safe drinking water to developing countries. So far, Tyler has helped thousands of people access the fundamental human right of clean water and still devotedly works to improve African countries’ sanitation practices.

Perry, a notable figure among the list of most philanthropic celebrities, did not step back during the Covid crises. The media giant donated 21,000 $ to the workers of Houston restaurant—his favorite restaurant. Furthermore, Tyler donated groceries, daily essentials, and gift cards worth 50$ to 1000 families in Atlanta. The pandemic harshly impacted these families.

10. Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie Charity

Angelina Jolie Charity

Angelina Jolie has raised the bar of philanthropic dedication so high that no other celebrity can meet her grandeur. The “Girl, Interrupted” actress had had a wild personal life as a teenager and young adult. Jolie was known as Tinseltown’s rebellious star who married an actor (Billy Bob Thornton) twice her age when she was 24. Her romance with Brad Pitt grasped the attention of worldwide media. Jolie’s fame is unmatchable, and so are her charitable activities. She’s also famous for her gorgeous blue eyes.

We could easily declare Jolie as the world’s most generous celebrity. She adopted three children from three different countries and is raising them as her own. Jolie supports countless famous charities such as:

  • Afghanistan Relief Organization
  • Alliance For The Lost Boys Of Sudan
  • Cancer Schmancer Movement
  • Care to Learn
  • Cinema For Peace
  • Clinton Global Initiative
  • Daniel Pearl Foundation
  • Direct Change
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • Global Action for Children
  • HALO Trust

Also read: Angelina Jolie adopted kids

Besides giving regular financial support to charities mentioned above, Jolie never evades from helping the needy in the time of crises. Jolie donated an enormous amount of 1$ million right away at the beginning of the Covid pandemic to the No Kid Hungry foundation. No Kid Hungry works to end child hunger and provides food essentials to low-income families.

Wanna see her lookalikes? checkout our list of female actresses lookalikes.


Our favorite Hollywood’s wealthy celebrities live by the old adage, “ he who gives no charity deserves no mercy.” It is hard to ignore the impact and control celebrities have over our lives and personal decisions. We take them as our role models and follow their lifestyle as religiously as possible. However, the most notable practice of their regular routines that every celebrity admirer should follow in their philanthropic work.

From Taylor Swift to Angelina Jolie, one cause that unites them all is their generous charitable contribution to society. While some Hollywood celebrities are working to end hunger, others have dedicated their time to raise social awareness regarding the providence of fundamental human rights for everyone. Whatever the crises might strike the Earth, celebrities are always there for human rescue. Our celebrities are not merely entertainers. They are humanitarians who are making the world a better place to live in for all of us.

Whose philanthropic work do you guys appreciate the most? Tell us your thoughts in the comment box below!