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60 Empowering Wonder Woman Movie Quotes For Inspiration

60 Empowering Wonder Woman Movie Quotes For Inspiration

Kudos to the first American female-directed (Patty Jenkins) action movie (comic) “The Wonder Women”, featuring a woman as a superhero. It embraced the cinema in 2017 and was celebrated worldwide. It was marked as the highest US opening for a female director.

The blockbuster movie starring Gal Gadot revolves around the Amazon Princess Diana (Wonder Woman), who came to save mankind and is ready to fight to vanquish evil for the sake of Peace. She wants to fight for the last time to end all wars.

Set in world war 1, the film not only has super cinematography but also some serious life-lessons. From originating peace over war, to be the change one wants to see, gender-equality, love, fight for the right, leading way for others, courage, and belief in oneself, it truly is more than just a fiction movie.

A woman can’t deny the sense of empowerment they feel to see the iconic female superhero. The wonder woman has all the feminist qualities that make her superior to men. She is kind, powerful, and just. Let’s have a look at some of the iconic statements from the movie.

20 Inspirational Quotes on Empowerment and Hope

Wonder Woman is very optimistic and fearless. She is willing to face the consequences to make the difference. She is ready to take initiative and bring change. She dares to speak the truth and is prepared to face evil. To know her perspective on empowerment and hope let’s go through these quotes from the film.

  1. “My Life Hasn’t Been What You Probably Think It Has. We All Have Our Struggles.” – Wonder Woman

  2. “If Loss Makes You Doubt Your Belief in Justice, Then You Never Truly Believed in Justice at All.” – Wonder Woman

  3. “Power Without Self-Control Tears a Girl to Pieces.” – Wonder Woman

  4. “I Will Fight for Those Who Cannot Fight for Themselves.” – Wonder Woman

  5. “Nothing Good Is Born from Lies, And Greatness Is Not What You Think.” – Wonder Woman

  6. “It’s Not About What You Deserve; It’s About What You Believe. And I Believe in Love.” – Wonder Woman

  7. “Don’t Raise Your Hand Until You’ve First Extended It” – Wonder Woman

  8. “Because no matter how small an act of kindness or generosity or simple positivity you put out into the world, it will make a difference.” – Wonder Woman

  9. “If it means interfering in an ensconced, outdated system, to help just one woman, man or child… I’m willing to accept the consequences.”  – Wonder Woman

  10. “So long as life remains, there is always hope… and so long as there is hope, there can be victory!” – Wonder Woman

  11. “Here is to strong woman, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.” – Wonder Woman

  12. “What one does when faced with the truth is more difficult than you’d think.” – Wonder Woman

  13. “You are stronger than you believe. You have greater powers than you know.” – Wonder Woman

  14. “If no one else will defend the world, then I must.” – Wonder Woman

  15. “When it comes to procreation, men are essential, but for pleasure, not necessary.” – Wonder Woman

  16. “Please take my hand. I give it to you as a gesture of friendship and love, and of faith freely given. I give you my hand and welcome you into my dream.” – Wonder Woman

  17. “I used to want to save the world. To end war and bring peace to mankind; but then I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. I learnt that inside every one of them there will always be both. The choice each must make for themselves—something no hero will ever defeat.” – Wonder Woman

  18. “Fighting doesn’t make you a hero.” – Wonder Woman

  19. “Now I know, that only love can truly save the world. So I stay, I fight, and I give, for the world I know can be.” – Wonder Woman

  20. “Women seem like sissies because you don’t know their true strength.” – Wonder Woman

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40 Motivation Quotes by Wonder Women on Character

Wonder Woman defines some of the extraordinary characteristics one must possess. She preaches love, kindness, justice, truth, and righteousness. she is ready to self-sacrifice to bring positive change in the world. Just read these quotes to know the qualities of a wonder woman.

  1. “My father told me once, he said, “If you see something wrong happening in the world, you can either do nothing, or you can do something”. And I already tried nothing.” – Wonder Woman

  2. “A deal is a promise and a promise is unbreakable.” – Wonder Woman

  3. “And between my prayers, I made a vow that I would always be aware of my strength. And that of my opponents, my friends, and my victims” – Wonder Woman

  4. “I am the man who can.” – Wonder Woman

  5. “The war to end all wars! Weapons far deadlier than you can imagine. Whoever you are, you are in more danger than you realize!” – Wonder Woman

  6. “Get strong! Earn your living and fight for your country!” – Wonder Woman

  7. “Where I come from generals don’t hide in their offices. They stand beside their soldiers. They die with their soldiers.”  – Wonder Woman

  8. “It is our sacred duty to defend the world.” – Wonder Woman

  9. “Peace is a virtue. A state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence and justice. It is not simply the absence of war.” – Wonder Woman

  10. “I’d like to keep the illusion that there is a shade of moral difference between us and those we fight.” – Wonder Woman

  11. “It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love. Only love will truly save the world.” – Wonder Woman

  12. . “Feeding people is a just and dignified occupation.” – Wonder Woman

  13. “Bonds of love never make the wearer weaker — they give him greater strength!” – Wonder Woman

  14. “A deal is a promise and a promise is unbreakable.” – Wonder Woman

  15. “I cannot stand by while innocent lives are lost.” – Wonder Woman

  16. “Fight? We use our principles. Although I am not opposed to engaging in a bit of fisticuffs should the occasion rise.” – Wonder Woman

  17. “Bullets never solved a human problem yet!” – Wonder Woman

  18. “Everyone’s fighting their own battles, just as you are fighting yours.” – Wonder Woman

  19. “No — we are doing something. We are! We just … we can’t save everyone in this war. This is not what we came here to do.” – Wonder Woman

  20. “Never let your guard down. You expect the battle to be fair.” – Wonder Woman

  21. “Sisters in battle, I am shield and blade to you. As I breathe, your enemies will know no sanctuary. While I live, your cause is mine.” – Wonder Woman

  22. “We can’t help the way we’re born. We can’t help what we are, only what life we choose to make for ourselves.” – Wonder Woman

  23. “Imagination is just what others use to get things they can’t understand into their heads. Rarely – if ever – do they actually fit there.” – Wonder Woman

  24. “I cannot stand by while innocent lives are lost. If no one else will defend the world from Ares, then I must. I have to go.” – Wonder Woman

  25. “And remember in the world of ordinary mortals, you are the wonder woman.” – Wonder Woman

  26. “She needed a hero, so that what she became.” – Wonder Woman

  27. “We all have a wonder woman inside us.” – Wonder Woman

  28. “The small things matter.” – Wonder Woman

  29. “Don’t be afraid to speak-up for what is right.” – Wonder Woman

  30. “Know the time and place to tell your story.” – Wonder Woman

  31. “Sometimes you have to keep moving.” – Wonder Woman

  32. “Lead the way.” – Wonder Woman

  33. “Great leaders share the glory.” – Wonder Woman

  34. “Bad leaders underestimate the challenge they face.” – Wonder Woman

  35. “Focus on the things you can do well.” – Wonder Woman

  36. “Only love can truly save the world.” – Wonder Woman

  37. “Of all people, you know who I am, who the world needs me to be, I am the wonder woman.” – Wonder Woman

  38. “Be careful of mankind, they do not deserve you.” – Wonder Woman

  39. “Change their minds, and change the world.” – Wonder Woman

  40. “Strength doesn’t come with the things you can do; it comes with the one you thought you never could do.” – Wonder Woman

10 Best Wonder Woman Movie Quotes Images in 2024

Check out this fantastic collection of Wonder Woman Movie quotes wallpapers below:

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about believe and love

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about believe and love

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about bullets, war and human problems

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about bullets, war and human problems

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about helping others

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about helping others

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about helping others

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about helping others

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about kindness and positivity

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about kindness and positivity

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about peace and fighting

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about peace and fighting

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment and changing mindset

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment and changing mindset

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment

Wonder Woman Movie Quotes about Women empowerment


See Also:  100 Life Changing Quotes from The Lion King Movie

Wonder Woman is not only a fictional character but a mindset. We have wonder woman in ordinary attire with powerful characteristics around us. This flag-bearer of peace has defined the power of love and peace over bullets and violence.

The movie has a fan base throughout the world and can be enjoyed equally without any gender and age restriction. It will give you a sense of empowerment as a human being who should play his part for the betterment and should take initiative despite looking at others to do something for you.

Grab some popcorns and watch “The Wonder Women” whenever you feel ordinary.

Which quote from “The Wonder Woman Movie” inspires you most? Comment below.