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Stirring Joyce Meyer Quotes that Will Give You A Wakeup Call

Stirring Joyce Meyer Quotes that Will Give You A Wakeup Call

Joyce Meyer quotes are popular for being relatable and a source of comfort for most people. Born Pauline Joyce Hutchison, she made her middle name her pen name as she broke through the mainstream media and grabbed the attention of the general public.

Born on 4th June 1943, Joyce came into this world in St. Louise right after her father was drafted for the army in World War II. She went on to graduate from O’Fallon Technical High School with great achievement while at the same time she faced abuse at the hands of her father. She was in her senior year of high school when she married a man who frequently urged her to steal money.

Although she got divorced from the man after five years, the after-effects of it lasted for years. However, her suffering came to an end when Joyce met Dave Meyer, and the couple married in 1967. She had her spiritual awakening one morning 9 years after her marriage when she felt God.

She found solace in religion after being depressed and unhappy for so long. That was the turning point she needed to begin a life of faith and religion. From there on, she made it her mission to help people find their path as well. She started her own Ministry called “Life in the Word,” started her radio show and in 1993, she started her television ministry called “Enjoying Everyday Life” which is still aired to this day.

She has written 26 books, some of which have been a real source of comfort for people. Some of her biggest hits include “Beauty of Ashes,” “Look Great, Feel Great,” “The Penny: A Novel,” and “Change Your Words, Change Your Life” to name a few.

Here are some of the most expressive Joyce Meyer Quotes for your daily dose of inspiration.

Joyce Meyer Quotes on Relationships

Relationships had a huge impact on Joyce’s life and Joyce Meyer quotes on relationships reflect that. In her words, she offers words of wisdom to allow people to care for the relationships that matter and let go of the toxic relationships that destroy our lives. Her words give the courage to pursue good relationships, but keep an eagle eye on the relationships that don’t treat you well.

Here are some Joyce Meyer quotes on relationships that you should tie to your heart.

  1. “We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.”

  2. “Prayer is such a basic foundation of a Christian’s relationship with God. It’s how we communicate and fellowship with Him. But a surprising number of people, young and old, new and even long-time Christians, say they’re not satisfied with their prayer life.”

  3. “I’ve learned through my relationship with God that He’s not expecting me to be perfect; He wants me to do my best to be in His will and take steps of faith as He leads me, through His Word and the promptings He speaks to my heart.”

  4. “Real life is the life that’s in you, not your circumstances, like where you live or what job you have or who you’re in a relationship with.”

  5. “When we enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, something wonderful happens: God begins to change our desires, and we want to be more like Him.”

  6. “Stop being tormented by everyone else’s reaction to you.”

  7. “Our past may explain why we’re suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage.”

Joyce Meyer Quotes on Life

Joyce Meyer appreciates life in all its transparency and urges people to love life as it is. She takes life on its face value but also shares her excitement to figure out what it has in store for her. Here are some Joyce Meyer quotes on life that will give you the urge to love it too.

  1. “Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.”

  2. “One mistake does not have to rule a person’s entire life.”

  3. “You cannot live your life just based on what everyone else thinks.”

  4. “Strive for excellence, not perfection, because we don’t live in a perfect world.”

  5. “you have to realize that you don’t have someone else’s life and you’re never going to. You better start loving the one you got. Embarrass the life you have and stop wishing that you could be someone else. Just stop all that and start saying “God here I am. Do what you want to do with me.”

  6. “Is there any real purpose in being alive if all we are going to do is get up every day and live only for ourselves? Live your life to help others. Give & live selflessly.”

Joyce Meyer Quotes on Faith

The televangelist believes strongly in faith and understands that faith perfects life. This is why Joyce Meyer quotes on faith will give a boost to your faith and allow you to get in touch with your beliefs. Here are some quotes that will enlighten you.

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  1. “Give your circumstance over to Jesus and be confident that He’s got it all under control. Your life will change dramatically once you unleash your faith.”

  2. “Simply put, fear is the opposite of faith. God wants us to walk by faith, and Satan wants us to walk by fear.”

  3. “Do I ever doubt? Oh, sure. You deal with doubt all the time. You have to choose to believe God in every situation. I remind myself all the time, get out of fear. Get out of doubt. Get back in faith.”

  4. “We have to each be satisfied with doing the part that God has called us to do. We have to trust Him with our assignment.”

  5. “Some of you might say, ‘Well, I have faith. I believe in Jesus.’ Frankly, it’s one thing to say you have faith, but it’s an entirely different matter to apply your faith to life’s challenges.”

  6. “We must stop trying to make things happen the way we want and get to the place where we desire to please God more than ourselves. The Christ in us has to supersede what we want. Faith and the Word of God will help you overcome worry.”

Joyce Meyer Quotes on love

Love has a special place in Joyce Meyer’s heart. She embraced the love for God and love for people in her life with open arms. Here are some of the most moving Joyce Meyer quotes on love.

  • “Loving people is the highest level of spiritual warfare that we could ever do.”

  • “You can’t have real love without operating in forgiveness. Love keeps giving the other person another chance.”

  • “Love is not talk or theory; it’s action. In fact, the Bible says that we cannot be walking in love if we see a brother in need, have what it takes to meet his need, and will not do anything to help him.”

  • “The one thing everybody’s looking for is unconditional love. We all need somebody to love us just the way we are”

  • “Loving others always costs us something and requires effort. And you have to decide to do it on purpose. You can’t wait for a feeling to motivate you.”

  • “Don’t build walls and shut people out of your life. To act as if another does not exist is a mean and cruel weapon.”

5 Best Joyce Meyer Quotes Images in 2024

Check out this fantastic collection of Joyce Meyer quotes wallpapers below:

Joyce Meyer quotes about relationship & being tormented by others

Joyce Meyer quotes about relationship & being tormented by others

Joyce Meyer quotes about life and being tied to past

Joyce Meyer quotes about life and being tied to past

Joyce Meyer quotes about life people opinion about you

Joyce Meyer quotes about life people opinion about you

Joyce Meyer quotes about love and building walls between people

Joyce Meyer quotes about love and building walls between people

Joyce Meyer quotes about love and forgiveness

Joyce Meyer quotes about love and forgiveness

Key Takeaways!

Joyce Meyer quotes are the perfect pick-me-ups that we need to feel better and connected to a higher being. Her words can be felt in the heart and allow us to feel more centered. What is your favorite quote by Joyce Meyer? Share with us!

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